Q&A session about giving YSJB 2024 Sept

Q&A Session – GIVING

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – Q&A session (Giving)!

Uncle James, I noticed that you like to keep on giving away things and still feel so happy. Why ah?

For info, she is one of our volunteers who has followed me on my rounds before.

Yes, giving comes from the heart, it is cultivated over the years, perhaps you learn how to give little by little, then when you developed the habit of giving, it becomes second nature, you can just give away anything & everything and still feel you are on top of the world.

Giving is not giving until your giving hurts you or as Mother Teresa said, “Give but give until it hurts.”

Many will say that you are stupid to give away what you have and the giving hurts you. Doesn’t make sense, right?

It is in giving that you received. How about this?

You receive HAPPINESS when you give, not the happiness that money can buy but “wholesome happiness” that swells inside your body, peace, joy & ecstacy!

*Giving like* *happiness adds and multiplies, as we divide it with others.* 🌹❤️

There are many types, shapes and forms of giving – giving away your money, your possessions, your time, your efforts, your knowledge, your talents and others.

But, to be honest, it is never easy to give – it is human nature that we want to accumulate, to have more and more, the feeling of inadequacy when we give away some of what we have and, “I am in my comfort zone and why I want to feel uncomfortable when I give away.”
In this materialistic and “dog-eat-dog” world, everyone is individualistic, minding his/her own business – Me, me, me and NOMB (None Of My Business).

However, all is not lost. I have seen kind acts of giving. Some companies, restaurants and donors who are supporting us for years have told us that, since supporting YSJB, their businesses have improved by some 25% – 30% and they asked me, “How come ah.”

I told them that I don’t know, perhaps, “you do good and good will come back to you.”

Not only that, our donors, whether in cash or kind, also told me that their health has improved, company performance has improved too and everything runs smoothly – company & family!

Perhaps, this is the law of nature – you reap what you sow!
Our volunteers are giving their talents, knowledge and time in teaching English to SK Desa Jaya (monthly) & Netherlands Maritime University College students (weekly).

Also our volunteers give their time by doing home visits to check out the families first before we give them monthly food banks an/or monthly financial aid.

A lot of time is spent collecting the data and writing a report to post in our group chat, then deciding who to deliver the food banks – no money is involved here, only pure labour of love, serving with love & humility!

Start living now, learn to give, for you haven’t started to live until you start living for others – giving your whole self to humanity.

It is not how many years you have lived but how well you have lived – contributing towards humanity.

At the end of the day, I hope it is not so soon but it can come anytime, whatever we have accumulated we can’t bring along and by that time, it’s too late for you to start giving, you are already gone!

So start giving when you are still alive – help others before you are being helped; pray before you are prayed upon!

I leave you with my favorite video of how to live life – don’t carry too much with you, it’s heavy, give away some, you will feel lighter but, most importantly, discover the joy & happiness of just GIVING FOR NO APPARENT REASONS.


It is better to give than to receive. Those who spend more on others are happier and healthier than those who spend more on themselves!

To me, volunteerism is the giving of oneself to others, not because we are asked to or forced to, but we choose too, willingly and happily and that, is the highest form of service to humanity!

Hop on board and be our volunteers – giving our time, energy and talents to the Poor & Needy.

Be a spark in the lives of others – for life is good when you are happy; but life is much better when others are happy BECAUSE OF YOU!
Give, give, give!

“What YSJB doesn’t do when it comes to serving humanity with l❤️ve & humility.”

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”