happy merdeka day YSJB 2024 aug

Happy Merdeka Day

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – Happy Merdeka Day!

As we celebrate the birth of Malaysia 67 years ago in 1957, let us all be grateful for what our country has given us.

But we should be asking this: “Ask not what our country can do for us” but more importantly, “WHAT CAN WE DO FOR MALAYSIA?”

2 things that come to my mind on this auspicious Independence Day, 31st August, 2024:
1. Patriotism to Malaysia
2. Passion to serve Malaysia

12 years ago, on 14th Sept, 2012 our Foundation was born when we were recognized by ROS and we have been serving the country with love & humility.

Our passion to serve our country has been unwaivering, going around daily, tending to the Poor and Needy, irrespective of race and religion – that has been our hallmark.

To us, volunteers at YSJB, patriotism is not just flying the Malaysian flag only on 31/8 every year but serving the community daily – patriotism is not an outward manifestation but constant action in motion, we believe in ACTION and we don’t talk money as we are not paid.

Our actions speak volumes of what we do:

Away from the limelight, volunteers quietly serve without asking for anything – we have no conditions and we expect nothing in return, for this is pure service out of love and kindness, for we are not doing business!

The Foundation is proud that we have played our part in nation building and we are honoured to be given this important role to play – we are young, only 12 years old but as we age, we shall continue to do more for our country.

We serve humanity with love & humility!

But all what we have done so far will not be possible without the unsung heroes(our supporters and donors) who have been quietly donating to us, in cash and kind, all these 12 years.

A very BIG THANK YOU for your continuous and unwaivering support.
For all those who are reading this now, why not hop on board and be our synergy partners and together, we shall make this world a better place for all to live.

Kindness knows no bounds as illustrated by these 2 videos:

From all our volunteers at YSJB, a HAPPY MERDEKA DAY to everyone!
“What YSJB doesn’t do when it comes to serving humanity with l❤️ve & humility.”

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”