Difficult to Be a Nobody YSJB 2024 Oct

It’s Difficult to Be a “Nobody”!

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – It’s Difficult to Be a “Nobody”!

Try doing this – it’s not easy because in today’s society, everyone wants to be somebody. We attach our status to what we own – big houses, the cars we drive, titles, clothes, positions, etc. It’s the EGO at play – me, me, me & mine, mine, mine.

I had my fair share of this when I retired from the corporate world in 2016. Suddenly, people started commenting on where I live, what car I drive, and all sorts of nonsense. But I’ve always been egoless, so I told them it was none of their business. It took some time, but I eventually stood up to all the people who judged me. Now, I’m living my best life – serving humanity with love and humility.

Even some family members were affected by the comments of these “unwanted busybodies.” I had to deal with them too, but time heals!

I became a full-time volunteer, unpaid, putting aside my ego and pride. It’s not easy to become a selfless person. You have to learn to be a servant – and yes, some of you may have maids in your house, but in my case, I chose this path. No one forced me, and it was the happiest and most rewarding choice I could have made. Seeing the smiles and happy faces of those I serve is something money just can’t buy.

Life is good when you’re happy, but it’s so much better when others are happy because of you!

Being a volunteer is not easy. You need to have a love for humanity and the mindset of a servant – to humble yourself, to be a nobody.

Some of my friends said they would join me as volunteers one day, but it’s been 10 years, and they still haven’t! I get it – not everyone can bring themselves down to this “level of lowness.” It takes a lot of courage to be selfless, and without that, true happiness is out of reach.

I’m not trying to scare anyone away. My advice? Just take the first step. Jump in! Let go of your pride and ego, and just try. The first step is always the hardest. But once you get addicted to volunteerism, a whole new world of happiness awaits you!

If you’re in JB, shout out to me! If you’re somewhere else, you can still help by being our synergy partner and assisting the Poor & Needy. Just click the mouse, and Uncle James will do the legwork for you.

Volunteers always mix fun with work. Why not? We’re happily not paid! 😄

Last week, I stood outside a small PPR flat in JB. Inside, there was a single mother of five—her husband had absconded. She works odd jobs around her flat while looking after her five children, but still struggles to put food on the table. When we handed her our usual monthly food bank donation, she didn’t say a word—she just broke down in tears. That’s the reality for so many families right now.

But here’s the thing: You can change that.

Every day, YSJBC meets people like this mother—families trying their best but still falling short. I know times are tough for everyone, but the need right now is greater than ever. Imagine what it’s like to have to choose between paying rent or feeding your kids. It’s a choice no one should have to make.

When you donate, you’re not just giving money. You’re putting food on someone’s table. You’re sending a child to school with new shoes. You’re giving hope to someone who thought they’d been forgotten.

And trust me, the smiles and gratitude—it’s all worth it.

I’ve been doing this for years now, and every family we help reminds me why I do this work. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help to continue this mission.

Just RM200 can provide a family with basic necessities for a month. Please, if you can, click here and donate. It’s not just money—it’s hope, love, and a lifeline to those who need it most.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we can make a difference and create a better place for everyone to live.
Here’s a song that comes to mind, “Nobody’s Child,” with the Mandarin version too:



“What YSJB doesn’t do when it comes to serving humanity with ❤️ and humility.”

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
