little acts of kindness YSJB 2024 Aug

Little Acts of Kindness

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – Little acts of kindness!

Many people are struggling daily to get by in their own world away from the public’s eye.

But how many of us are bothered by the seemingly struggles the marginalized are going through? We mind our own business, as if these “invisible” people never exist, just because we are not in their shoes where life is a daily struggle, eating from hand to mouth, not knowing when the next meal will come (haven’t been paid by the employer yet, no shavings at all), wondering when they get home wherever there will be a place for them to stay(rental is way overdue), whether there will be water & electricity has been cut off (bills for these 2 utilities have not been paid for months), whether there will be enough money to buy diapers for her paralyzed husband, whether children can go to school tomorrow(bus fares not paid yet), etc.

Be kind, for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about!

Volunteers have many lives – we are in many people’s shoes, our lives are “so rich” – many experiences that money just can’t buy. A rich and fulfilled life!

These are real situations that volunteers come across daily, hidden away from the limelights of normal ordinary people who don’t have the worry about all these “trivial” matters as we can afford all these so-called basic necessities – what are the basics to us are “luxuries” for the Poor & Needy.

Nowadays, as I spin around with my Toyota Hilux, covering some 200 km a day, I will always spare a thought for the poor foreign workers by the roadsides – the grass cutters, the rubbish collectors, the roadside sweepers, etc working in the scorching heat of 35°C.

A small 600ml mineral water(costing only 46 sen), some bread & buns which we take daily from Lavender, Vburg, Village Grocer, PanKobo Japanese bread, Kenjo Japanese bread, perhaps some biscuits for these workers. I have all these available in my vehicle all the time, ready to be given out when the opportunity comes.

Yes, it costs a ringgit or so but it shows them that there are people WHO STILL CARES! We give them HOPE to live, knowing that their families are thousands of kilometers away, all alone here in Malaysia, trying to give their families back home a better life, their sacrifices to come to a foreign country so that their families will have a more financially secured life when they get back.

Can’t we spare a little thought for them? Kindness in our own small ways will go a long way to show we care for HUMANITY.

Their “struggles” become lighter, more bearable and life has more meaning for them again – the smiles on their faces, their appreciations and their gratitudes are enough to make any giver happy & joyful. But you have to be “there”, in the midst of the action to experience something money just can’t buy!

It is a good practice to just give a stranger something daily, people you don’t even know, people whom you chanced upon, we surely can afford to do so but are we willing to just do these simple acts of kindness?

Have you ever noticed that a person who has nothing, will help you faster than a person with everything?

I have seen this truth in my 20+ years as a volunteer. Why I am not too sure but there is no wrong or right as the money belongs to the giver and the giver has a CHOICE. But whatever you choose has its consequences!

Money not spent is not your money – whether you spend it on yourself or on others. For me I feel happy if I spend it for others because you haven’t started to live until you live for others! Yes, I might not have much, but the little I have, I am ever willing to share with others!

Living for others is very therapeutic, very satisfying, knowing that that person is just a little bit better because of you. That’s what makes my day!

This is what SELFLESS SERVICE is all about:

We can’t bring anything along when we go, we all have to age and face the consequences of aging. Time is ticking fast.

Our time will surely come, unavoidable, so let us DO IT NOW, before we get too old and when we can’t help others anymore, even if we want to and, the time will come when others have to help and look after us. This is the law of nature!

I leave you with this mind provoking story:
“What YSJB doesn’t do when it comes to serving humanity with l❤️ve & humility.”

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”