Our service & contribution to humanity!

Our service & contribution to humanity!

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – Our service & contribution to humanity!

Each of us is unique, we have our own story to write before we depart from here. And only we can write our own story, for nobody is going to do that for us!
These two stories are amazing and only a few of us can go near them:

  1. SADIO MANE, the Senegalese footballer:
  2. MARIA CONCEICAO, a Portuguese ex-air hostess:

After watching these 2 videos and reflecting on what our Foundation has done so far after 12 years in existence, we are a pale shadow of what others have done, in terms of magnitude, scale and its impact on humanity.

But nevertheless, in Malaysia and being a proud Malaysian, YSJBC has done, at least, “something” to serve humanity in our own small way – we have served our own country, “Berkhidmat untuk Negara.”

“Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.”

Each of us has got to reflect on what we have done for our sisters & brothers out there!
For we can be plugged off anytime – leaving footprints that the future generations can leverage on what we left behind, be the “ripple effects” of the many who will live after us!
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”