Passion & action still speak! YSJB 2024 Jul

Passion & action still speak!

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – Passion & action still speak!

Yes, running a Foundation, manned by volunteers is never an easy task. It is more difficult than running a corporate company where you pay the staff for getting the job done, more structured and where money is not the issue.

At the Foundation, firstly, we don’t pay our volunteers as all of us are driven by PASSION to serve humanity. Whether passion is inborn or cultivated, I am unsure but for me, as a Founder of YSJBC, it is the passion from young that drives me to be of service to mankind. Perhaps my passion was caught from birth and later, finding out that my mum was an orphan from the convent.

I, particularly, like this:
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
Not only human beings, but all beings, all living things!

First, you must have PASSION, otherwise nothing will move. Next after passion is WILLINGNESS, for passion without the will is dead. And finally, it is EXECUTION/ACTION.

All volunteers at YSJBC are instilled with this passion to serve, then everything will fall into place. But keeping a pool of volunteers is an art and skill and this has to be mastered over time. So far in YSJBC, I would say it is manageable.

Volunteers come and go but the genuine ones stay and hopefully, they will take over the reins once I am gone.

With the high cost of living nowadays, many of our volunteers have to hold two jobs and work overtime, in order to make ends meet. Some even have to work on their off days!

Hence, sometimes we are really short handed. And being the Founder and when no volunteers are around, you go solo, for the job has to be done, with or without volunteers.

I have gotten so used to this, that over the years, you can multitask and have so much confidence and independence to do it all by yourself.

Many talk but you don’t see action in them. You see this in all levels of society and they don’t honour what they say – this is even worse.

Nowadays, we live in a world where lies and cheating seem to be the norms and everyone is living for oneself – scammers are everywhere and leaders (private/public sectors and even religious heads)

don’t even blink an eye when they are involved in corruption.
But all is not lost – a handful of volunteers, a rare breed of people, selfless beings, with a passion to serve their fellow sisters & brothers, still go round daily, rain or shine, especially in this hot weather, to serve humanity.

“It is very easy to give an example but it is very difficult to be an example.”

Humanity is not lost yet. We still see acts of kindness everywhere and passion/willingness/action still speak:

Let us all help humanity, for we are all one, in whatever small ways we can, to make this small world we live in, A BETTER PLACE FOR ALL!

Life is fragile and one can never know when we are called!

Personally, I live daily as if today is my last day here on earth, I do my best helping humanity, for one never knows when “our day” will come:

Please do your part for humanity, be our synergy partners, in helping the Poor & Needy!
Pray for all volunteers who go about selflessly daily, rain or shine, to help those in need.
Pray before you are prayed upon!

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”