Roaring with SJK(C) Pandan, JB into 2022!

Roaring with SJK(C) Pandan, JB into 2022!

Yayasan Suria JB (YSJB) – Roaring with SJK(C) Pandan, JB into 2022!

It was at 11.00 am sharp on Sun, 6/2/2022 that volunteers/donors of 2 groups of NGOs leaped like tigers into SJK(C) Pandan, JB to present Ang Pows to Poor & Needy students. The next afternoon session starts at 12.00 noon and there will be lots of students (morning/afternoon sections) moving around soon.

Initiated by YSJB, another NGO, Love Universe Charity Foundation (represented by its President, Ms Jess Lee, in white T-shirt and multi-coloured pants), hopped on with RM2,300.00 of Ang Pows and together with YSJB’s Ang Pows of RM2,000.00, a total of RM4,600 were given out.

No students were present as we wanted to avoid mass gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with the fast spreading Omicron variant, but instead the teacher, Ms Alice Too, received them on behalf of SJK(C) Pandan and will be giving to the Poor & Needy students in their houses.

We were told some 200 over students will benefit from this project.

For info, YSJB has been funding the school RM500 a month through PIBG(PTA – Parent Teacher Association) for years, with yearly BTS(Back To School) where to we purchase stationeries, shoes & uniforms, Promac milk, biscuits, preloved laptops and spectacles were among some of the activities carried out.

We have seen improvements in academic performances and health of the students over the years, all due to one dedicated Teacher/Counsellor, Ms Alice Too (in red dress with white polka dots), who cares for her students. Indeed, I have been following her to some of the houses of the students and she knows exactly where each one of them stays.

My highest salutation & admiration for this great and caring teacher! The majority of the teachers will not even know the address of their students, let alone knows where they actually stay. She can just zoom from house to house without referring to any Waze – this is what we called “dedication”, YSJB is inspired and will continue supporting this school just because of this one great teacher.

While chatting during the simple presentation ceremony, the teacher bought up the subject of school bus subsidy, as due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many students are finding difficulties paying for the school bus fares. Immediately, YSJB approved RM2,000.00 for this school bus fare initiative and will continue to do so if the need arises.

Never have imagined that we will be involved in school bus subsidy, we have been involved in pregnancies, babies, preloved items, HIV/AIDS, medical equipments, medical operations, hospitals, education(primary to university level), food banks, prostitution, floods, undertaker and literally “everything under the sun” – no wonder, one donor called us “cradle-to-grave service” – ha ha!

All ended well – happy teacher, happy volunteers/donors and very soon, many happy Poor & Needy students.

Hopefully, this small gesture of ours, will spur them on to excel as education is their only future coming from poor families.