The spirit of volunteerism YSJB 2024 Sept

The spirit of volunteerism

Yayasan Suria JB Care (YSJBC) – The spirit of volunteerism!

I want to share 2 inspiring stories of what volunteerism is all about, hopefully my sharings will motivate & inspire you to be a volunteer.

When there is a will, there is a way!

True to this adage, I too was surprised when I saw one of our volunteers, age 72, volunteering on a wheelchair!

On further digging into his spirit of volunteering, he told me that he broke his leg a month ago, told his wife who is also our volunteer that he wanted to keep on helping others even though he himself is on a wheelchair now.

This spirit, I am sure, will fire up all of us at YSJB and this augers well for volunteerism at large.

This uncle used to be an active volunteer, distributing cooked food daily to the Poor & Needy but when he broke his left leg, I told him to rest and recuperate before resuming his volunteer work. However, the volunteer spirit in him is so strong that nothing stops him.

Salute to you, Uncle Siow, you made us so proud of you and we, at YSJB, are so fortunate and blessed to have someone like you.

Also Uncle Siow, you put many able-bodied people, so blessed with everything, to shame for not doing anything for humanity!

May you be well and good always, serving humanity with love & humility.


The other story is about a young lady, a volunteer with another NGO, Ihsan Johor, our good synergy partner, totally blinded due to a car accident some 19 months ago, so determined to live in spite of her disability, always a cheerful person, ever- smiling all the time, never ever blaming anyone for what happened.

On Fri, 27/9/2024, Mashita was on a flood relief mission to Pokok Sena, Kedah organized by Ihsan Johor, traveling all the way from JB to Kedah to help the flood victims, never pitying herself for what befell her but having a caring heart for the floor victims in Kedah recently.

Such is the spirit of Puan Mashita!. For info, YSJB is supporting her with RM400.00 as monthly cash aid as we are very inspired by her determination, positive attitude and the will to live in spite of being totally blind. Also with a very supportive loving husband, Nik, a diehard volunteer too, both of them still volunteer – I have no words to describe their will to live and still contribute to society in spite of all what has happened. Can you find such selfless human beings around nowadays, perhaps this “special” couple is one in a trillion!

Read about Mashita’s story which appeared in Metro:

Both Uncle Siow & Puan Mashita & husband, both of you put many of us to shame, including me, may your good deeds to keep on serving humanity be an inspiration and a beacon of hope that volunteerism is still alive and kicking!

Let us all who are reading these 2 inspiring stories jump on board and support volunteers like YSJB & IJ (Ihsan Johor) and together we shall make this world a better place for all to live!

Those who want to help and support Mashita can donate through YSJB (we will issue tax exemption receipts) and we will channel your special allocations/donations to this gritty lady.

“What YSJB doesn’t do when it comes to serving humanity with l❤️ve & humility.”

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”