Writing on the same subject from the professional point of view YSJB 2024 Jun

Writing on the same subject from the professional point of view!

Yayasan Suria JB Care(YSJBC) – Writing on the same subject from the professional point of view!

I am trying hard to venture into the field of journalism and have lots to learn from this article written by Sokong.org about our visit to International Islamic University Malaysia(IIUM), Pagoh branch campus.

It’s never to late to learn, right?

My article on 13/6/2024:

Sokong.org’s article on 19/6/2024:

I was delighted that this journalist from Sokong.org agreed to tag along with me to IIUM.

To Bro Shufian Mohd Shukor, I hope you will rope me under your wings so that, in future, I can write more articles, hopefully, of certain standards.

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”